
Конструктор Матчей
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Мир (Сборные) Европа (сборные) Южная Америка (Сборные) Азия (Сборные) С/Ц Америка (Сборные) Африка (Сборные) Океания (Сборные)Европа
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Канада Коста-Рика El-salvador Гондурас Мексика Никарагуа СШААфрика
Алжир Египет Марокко Нигерия ЮАРОкеания
Новая Зеландия
Премьер-лига (England). Статистика турнира. Таблицы
- Body part:Zone:Play type:
# Команда М Количество матчей О Количество очков П1 Количество побед Х Количество ничьих П2 Количество поражений Разн Общая разница Разн_ср Средняя разница Т Средний тотал в матче ИТ1 Средний тотал в матче команды ИТ2 Средний тотал в матче команды-противника 1 29 70 21 7 1 69 - 27 +1.45 3.31 2.38 0.93 2 29 58 16 10 3 53 - 24 +1.00 2.66 1.83 0.83 3 29 54 16 6 7 49 - 35 +0.48 2.90 1.69 1.21 4 29 49 14 7 8 53 - 37 +0.55 3.10 1.83 1.28 5 29 48 14 6 9 55 - 40 +0.52 3.28 1.90 1.38 6 29 47 12 11 6 48 - 42 +0.21 3.10 1.66 1.45 7 28 47 14 5 9 47 - 38 +0.32 3.04 1.68 1.36 8 29 45 12 9 8 41 - 45 -0.14 2.97 1.41 1.55 9 29 45 12 9 8 43 - 38 +0.17 2.79 1.48 1.31 10 29 44 12 8 9 48 - 36 +0.41 2.90 1.66 1.24 11 29 41 12 5 12 50 - 45 +0.17 3.28 1.72 1.55 12 28 39 10 9 9 36 - 33 +0.11 2.46 1.29 1.18 13 29 37 10 7 12 37 - 40 -0.10 2.66 1.28 1.38 14 29 34 7 13 9 32 - 36 -0.14 2.34 1.10 1.24 15 29 34 10 4 15 55 - 43 +0.41 3.38 1.90 1.48 16 29 34 9 7 13 33 - 49 -0.55 2.83 1.14 1.69 17 29 26 7 5 17 40 - 58 -0.62 3.38 1.38 2.00 18 29 17 3 8 18 28 - 62 -1.17 3.10 0.97 2.14 19 29 17 4 5 20 25 - 65 -1.38 3.10 0.86 2.24 20 29 9 2 3 24 21 - 70 -1.69 3.14 0.72 2.41 All 578 39.8 217 144 217 863 - 863 -0 2.99 1.49 1.49
М Количество матчей О Количество очков П1 Количество побед Х Количество ничьих П2 Количество поражений Разн Общая разница Разн_ср Средняя разница Т Средний тотал в матче ИТ1 Средний тотал в матче команды ИТ2 Средний тотал в матче команды-противника CV_T Коэффициент вариации среднего тотал в матче CV_ИТ1 Коэффициент вариации среднего тотала в матче команды CV_ИТ2 Коэффициент вариации среднего тотала в матче команды-противника
Can you consider yourself a football fan? If you really like this game, you certainly watch Premier League of England. Our advanced stats of this football tournament will without any doubts help you to stay always in tune with the main changes in standings and other important statistics that would become necessary for you. Want further information? Then you got to read this article until the very end.
Advanced stats of England Premier League: the best possibility to stay in tune.
Of course, it’s really impossible to watch all matches of the Premier League, even physically it’s unimaginable. And we don’t mention the fact that very often we are obliged to work during the matches (yes, the life of adults is like this, unfortunately). But never mind – you are extremely lucky to be on this site! Here you can easily find detailed information about each English team within the Premier League and their statistics. In general, you are welcomed to check following information:- Goals, scored and conceded by each team of the tournament;
- corners statistics;
- cards statistics;
- referees statistics;
- current points standings.
Why this is the best оptiоn for football fans
First of all, you can easily find out the results of the most interesting matches of each weekend even if you are not home. You don’t really need to have your computer near you – having any mobile device with the internet access would be sufficient. Secondly, if you are going to bet on some of the football events but aren’t sure about your predictions, there is no better site to analyze statistics than the one you are on for the time being. Everything is perfectly simple and extremely useful for each user: you just have to pick up a team you are interested in, a referee which statistics you are willing to analyze or whatever criteria would you choose. And the required information will instantly become available for you. There’s no need to watch any football highlights or read boring reviews – get up-to-date statistics immediately. Sо, this site оffers you a unique possibility that you just can not neglect. Whether you are simply interested in the Premier League or you are planning to bet and earn some easy money, you can use current statistics for your own purposes. It’s wоrth to say that all information is available online and for free. Sometimes we are hopelessly stuck in a daily routine and just can’t make it to the stadium or even there is no way watching the game on TV, but thanks to this site you can be aware of the main news of the best game in the world – football. Don’t let your pleasure to be spoiled by any circumstances! Football battles are waiting for you!Все для анализа и прогнозов. Продвинутая статистика Премьер-лига (Англия) по голам, а также продвинутая статистика Англия Премьер-лига угловых, карточек и рефери